Worship the Lord – Worship and Outreach

This series on worship and outreach has a simple goal: to encourage all congregations to do their very best in both realms. But isn’t it fair to assume that they already are? Doing their best? By some measurements, yes. But it’s also clear that our churches face various challenges. If improvements can be realized, we are likely under God to see greater blessings in both worship and outreach.

So, this series will share perspectives and ideas from a variety of congregations, hoping to inspire ongoing attention to these twin priorities.

Downloadable resources

114. A New Mission Congregation's Perspective - May 2022Download
115. In a Large Midwestern Parish (July 2022)Download
116. In a Southwestern Suburb (September 2022)Download
116a. Redeemer, Tucson, AZ - Supplemental PhotosDownload
117. In Suburban Metro Atlanta (November 2022)Download
118. Worship and Outreach in Salt Lake City (January 2023)Download
119. Worship and Outreach in Mt. Horeb, WI (March 2023)Download
119a. - Good News, Mt. Horeb, WI - Supplemental PhotosDownload
119b. - Good News, Mt. Horeb, WI - Dedication BookletDownload
120. Worship and Outreach at Our Redeemer, Madison WI (May 2023)Download
121. Worship and Outreach in a Mission Restart (July 2023)Download
  • 779.25 KB File Size
  • 11 File Count
  • September 7, 2023 Last Updated