Preach the Word – Volume 27

Free Text or Lectionary Preaching?

This three-part series analyzes three subtle but significant criticisms of lectionary preaching. It offers meaningful resistance to what might be a largely unexamined assumption: that series preaching is the way of the future because it somehow offers unique advantages for ministering to the kind of people shaped by contemporary American culture. It makes the case that lectionary preaching remains the best preaching paradigm for Lutherans in our time and place.

Downloadable resources

27.1 - The essential element that makes preaching worth anyone's attention (May 2023)Download
27.2 - The lectionary can't cover everything-but it can cover what matters (July 2023)Download
27.3 - The lectionary: an enduring narrative (September 2023)Download
  • 648.69 KB File Size
  • 3 File Count
  • September 7, 2023 Last Updated