Preach the Word – Volume 28

This series looks at themes in current homiletical theory.

Preach the Word – Volume 27

Free Text or Lectionary Preaching?

This three-part series analyzes three subtle but significant criticisms of lectionary preaching. It offers meaningful resistance to what might be a largely unexamined assumption: that series preaching is the way of the future because it somehow offers unique advantages for ministering to the kind of people shaped by contemporary American culture. It makes the case that lectionary preaching remains the best preaching paradigm for Lutherans in our time and place.

Preach the Word – Volume 26

Preaching with Outsiders in Mind

This series of Preach the Word articles will wrestle with preaching with those outside of our church membership in mind. Through interviews, sermon excerpts, and timeless reminders, we will aim to grow in being wise toward outsiders and seek to make the most of every preaching opportunity to them.

Preach the Word – Volume 25

Prof. Tiefel discussed preaching on the First or Second Reading with the day’s Gospel in mind.

Preach the Word – Volume 24

Dr. Mark Paustian addresses the basics of preaching.