Worship the Lord – Worship Words


A new series begins with this issue. It will explore twelve key worship concepts. Some articles may be valuable for analysis in a pastors’ study group, board of elders, or worship committee. As WELS parishes work with these concepts, our worship will be enriched for the sake of both members and guests. It will be faithful to Scripture, to our Lutheran heritage, and to the challenges and opportunities of being 21st century followers of Jesus.

Downloadable resources

36. Purpose - May 2009Download
37. Sacraments - July 2009Download
38. Tradition - September 2009Download
38a. Responsive dialogue - Bible Passages and Names - September 2009 supplementDownload
39. Variety - November 2009Download
39a. CTL Music Coordinator - November 2009 supplementDownload
39b. Director of Parish Music call - November 2009 supplementDownload
39c. Variety - supplemental web content - November 2009Download
40. Catholicity - January 2010Download
41. Accuracy (online version) - March 2010Download
41. Accuracy (print version) - March 2010Download
42. Excellence - May 2010Download
43. Contemporary - July 2010Download
43a. Contemporary (2) - July 2010 supplementDownload
43b. With Our Eyes on Jesus - July 2010 supplementDownload
43c. Valleskey - Lutheran Worship Reforms - July 2010 supplementDownload
44. Time - September 2010Download
45. Love - November 2010Download
46. Evangelism - January 2011Download
47. Culture - March 2011Download
  • 5.37 MB File Size
  • 20 File Count
  • September 20, 2019 Last Updated